Check Madeleine Altmann out on Wiki
Getting the NATOA Award
Altmann has been active in visual arts for most of her life. Starting in photography she moved on to television, interactive telecommunications and video art. Along the way she has exhibited her work around the world and accumulated a variety of accolades including awards from the American Film Institute and Sony Pictures.
Born and raised in Brazil and England, she moved to the USA to attend Hampshire College for undergraduate studies in film and video. She went on to receive a Masters of Fine Arts Degree from The San Francisco Art Institute and a Masters in Professional Studies Degree from New York University, where she received the "Interactive Media Pioneer Award."
Along with her single channel installations Altmann works with Andreas Uthoff to create the sculptural elements of the monitors on display. She now resides in Berlin.
contact: altmannart{@] ( remove brackets to email)
NYU's Pioneer in Interactive Telecommunications Award, 1996
American Film Institute, Visions of the US, 1988
Marin County Fair and Exposition, 1990
Queen Bee Editors Award, 1989
ACMNE Best Peg Station, 2009
ACM BEST PEG Station 2013, 2011, 2010
NATOA First Place Overall Excellence Public Access Station, 2012
PRESS - The Bedford Citizen, The New York Times, Wired, The SF Chronicle, Upside Magazine, CNN, NBC, HBO, Wall Street Journal, The Prague Post, Associated Press, Time Out NY, Medea Magazine, Silicon Alley, The Bedford Minutemen, On Our Backs, Future Sex, The Examiner TV Host, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Prognosis, TV Week, Matador...
BORN - São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Languages - English, Portuguese, French, German, and Spanish
1994 - 1996 New York University, New York City, NY - Professional Masters, Interactive Telecommunications
1988 - 1990 San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA - Masters of Fine Arts, Video and Performance Art
1981-1985 Hampshire College, Amherst, MA - Bachelor of Arts, Film and Video Major
Hampshire College Art Gallery, Surfacing, solo exhibit, Amherst, MA USA
SITE: BROOKLYN, Up From Under, solo exhibit, NYC, NY
Petra Rietz Gallery, I Amsterdam You Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jackson Homestead Exhibit, Newton, MA USA
Reflections, Gallery 52, New York City, NY,Shiny Things, USA
Otis World Wide, Walking On Ice, Berlin, Germany
SMFA Art Sale Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
Gallery 555, Spellbound - A World In Flux, Boston, MA
Boston Convention Center, Art on the Marquee, Crystal Lake, Boston, MA
TUFA Kultur & Kommunikationszentrum, Blue, Trier, Germany
Kathryn Schultz Gallery, 14th National Prize Show, Cambridge, MA
Petra Rietz Gallery, I Amsterdam You Berlin, Berlin, Germany
20th Century Fox, Drake’s Island in Unfinished Business, Worldwide Release
Mobius, Video Art Solo Show, Cambridge, MA
2014 to 2004 Selected Exhibits and Works
Boston Convention Center, Art on the Marquee, Pilgrim Pond, Boston, MA
Mass Music Hub, PEG TV Stations US and Worldwide
21st Century Learning, Temple University, PA
MUNCH, PEG Stations USA and South Africa
Women Winter and Summer, Bedford Public Library, MA
Reading Beatrix Potter Aloud, PEG and DVD, Worldwide
Dealing with Death, PEG TV Stations, USA
Mad Crafter, YouTube and Vimeo
Bedford Oral History, Bedford TV, MA
Video Art Minute, YouTube and Vimeo
2003 to 1993 Selected Exhibits and Works
Ice Portraits, Concord River, Bedford, MA
Ambien TV, PEG TV Stations, USA and Worldwide
Otto, Concord Art Association, Concord, MA
Babes4u, Albamar Incorporated, New York City, NY
YORB, Time Warner Cable, New York University, NYC, NY
Dying Is A Crime In America, Interactive CD ROM, New York University, NYC, NY
1993 to 1983 Selected Exhibits and Works
Erotica SF, Leased Cable, San Francisco, CA
What Can be Happening, Videonale, Bonn, Germany
Tady a Ted ( Here and Now), NTV, Prague, Czech Republic
MVTV, Cable Access and Fort Mason Center For The Arts, San Francisco, CA
Please Pull Over, Artist Television Access, San Francisco, CA
I Love You Mom, America Film Institute, Los Angeles, CA
The Greening of Northampton, Calvin Theatre, Northampton, MA
Cinema Verité in America, Library of Congress, Washington DC
New York City, NY