I am obsessed with the iphone LIVE loops. No beginning and no end. I like that.
Live Photo Loop

I spent a good part of Covid19 Fall in complete isolation. Partly not to go stir crazy and also because I love reflections ( who doesn’t?!) I recorded five rivers in my area. I also spent some time plumping up my youtube account. Most of my arty videos are on Vimeo and I used Youtube for less arty stuff. But it’s hard to keep things separate and not sure why I would try . Check out my Youtube or Vimeo channels.
I can’t stop making these. Help! I do them with the Layout App directly on my phone. The 1st shots are the original ones and the rest are patterns I make from them. It gets so dense it looks solid, but if you zoom in you will see the pattern.
Here is a different way to showcase the evolution into a pattern. The first picture is the original and the following are made into patterns. You can you use the arrow key to navigate through the shots.

These days we are winding down the summer. We had some good times, like at the Penobscot Narrows Bridge near Fort Knox in Maine. I put on organ sounding music because it reminded me of a cathedral and how we worship cars and consumerism from cargo trucks.
If you are in NYC and want to check out some of my video art it’s being projected on a big wall at Houston and Bowery. Check it out. Also Check out WALLTIME app or on Insta.
Chilling and doing nature videos. This is a LIVE looping photo shot with the iphone 11
Plastic is here to stay , and as much as I try and minimize the use of it, it’s still ubiquitous. So I find the beauty in it. This is a LIVE looping photo shot with the iphone 11
Below is a simulation video I made of part of the piece.
Thank you Cyber Arts and the Boston Convention Center for showcasing and supporting Video Artists, on a giant 160 foot screen no less.
I love that Ap Layout. I go crazy. Check it out. Music by beloved Charlie Nieland
I am a still deep into plastic beauty, also on Insta. I swear everyone is hopping on this band wagon now. I could kick myself for not having a show sooner on this. Here is a sample…..plastic cone with plastic tarp and plastic rope.
Are you coming to Boston for any reason whatsoever? Well check out my video Ice Cracks on the giant 160 foot screen at the Boston Convention Center. This piece was shot on the Concord River in Massachusetts during very special weather conditions. In order for the ice to look this black and clear the temperature needs to drop very quickly and there can be no wind, rain or snow. The temperatures were around minus 7 degrees Fahrenheit, making conditions very difficult to work in since the camera battery dies quickly. I spent three weeks recording ice cracks along 4 miles of the River. One of the biggest challenges was the reflection of me obscuring the depth of the cracks. This to me seems symbolic of how humans often approach life. Obscuring the depths of infinite possibilities in life by their own distracting self, all too often reflected distractingly back at them. I have over 32 films on Vimeo so far and …Winter is Coming!!
It's the end of the summer, lazy days abound and I am creating these digital photos. Scroll to check out my latest.
This is a picture of a broken street mirror. You know the kind cars use to see blind corners or back out of their driveways. you can see a self portrait of me on the left.
Toxic Beauty. Factory with airplane and lamp post.
My fantasy spa world. It's actually a shot of a rock surface in LA
This is also part of my worlds within series. If you zoom in you see the painted panels I made on the door and I also included a soldier on the left. I took the iconic image of a soldier's grave and put it above the door.
Thanks Everyone who made the show at Lawrence in Berlin Mitte possible. Great way to kick off the summah!
Hold still!
I am happy to announce that the Royal Hospital For Sick Children and Department for Clinical Neuroscience at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland are using one of my videos, Temple Rock, for their innovative program. Patients will be able to watch Temple Rock projected on the ceilings to help them worry less. Or stay still for certain procedures etc. Thank you Andreas Uthoff for matching us up. Awesome right!!! Here is the link to the video. TEMPLE ROCK
In love with these guys
Largely recorded in the Concord River Valley of New England, much of my current body of work deals with the interactions and observation of nature and self. The Transcendentalists such as Henry David Thoreau lived and formulated their ideology in this precise geographic area. I have spent years walking, observing and recording the behavior of my natural world and the interaction of humans with nature . At some times idyllic and others dystopian. As with the Transcendentalists, I am direclty influenced by the great visionary German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt. I use video in the same way he used his scientific instruments and observations to get his ideas about nature across. Nature, he wrote, was in mysterious communication with our ‘inner feelings’. There is a correlation between the external world and our internal moods.
Here is my current favorite video.
This is a video art piece by the artist and her dog on the Concord River.
The Two Brothers Rocks–Dudley Road Historic District encompasses a historically significant rural area of Bedford and Billerica, Massachusetts. "Two Brothers Rocks", is used to mark a land boundary between grants given to early Massachusetts settlers John Winthrop and Thomas Dudley, and which featured as boundary markers into the 20th century. The end of colonialism eventually saw the sale of this land by native Americans to the town of Bedford. Now the US Federal Government owns the land and I reclaim it as Two Sisters Rocks.
Summertime fun from Cape Cod region of the USA. Using my GoPro and a paddle board, I create a hallucinatory journey through Pilgrim Pond.
More photo loops…cuz I just can’t stop! No beginning and no end
Photo Loop Concord River
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